Example: Truncate a string on codepoint boundary

The challenge of truncating a string is that if you operate on the native level, you risk breaking a codepoint in half.

The u5e library provides an easy way to truncate a text, starting from a target native size and finding the correct boundary.

#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <u5e/utf8_string.hpp>
using std::string;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// the original string
string str("Ola\xCC\x81!");
// we find the point on the native string where we want to truncate.
// Count 4 in octets leaves us in the middle of a codepoint
string::const_iterator stri = str.cbegin();
std::advance(stri, 4);
// now we produce the output string truncated at where we want.
// note that this assumes that the text was already in utf8. this is
// not a conversion operator, it just makes sure the append happens
// while respecting the codepoint boundaries in the utf8 text.
utf8_string output("");
output.append(str.cbegin(), stri);
std::cout << output.native_string << std::endl;