Related Pages
Here is a list of all related documentation pages:
 Example: Iterate over graphemes in utf8 text
 Example: Normalize a utf8 string in form C
 Example: Normalize a utf32 string in form C
 Example: Normalize a utf8 string in form D
 Example: Normalize a utf32 string in form D
 Example: Normalize a utf8 string in form C
 Example: Normalize a utf32 string in form KC
 Example: Normalize a utf8 string in form D
 Example: Normalize a utf32 string in form KD
 Example: Iterate over codepoints in utf8 text
 Example: using utf8_iterator with const char*
 Example: Truncate a string on codepoint boundary
 Example: Truncate a string on grapheme boundary
 Streams versus String Formatting
 Streams vs Iterators